Making Realistic Transportation Goals

For a majority of people, this week is the first full week back to a routine after multiple days off in the holiday season- it’s the week where everyone is talking about/acting on their New Year’s goals and implementing new habits into their daily lives! January is a month full of pressure to change, yet only about 10% of Americans actually will!

Most people will give up on their resolutions before the month ends... The main reason for this statistic is unrealistic expectations. It is easy to dream up ideas and envision the outcomes but those who are successful in bringing their visions to life are those who take a realistic approach to a big idea! At Thoroughbred we want nothing more than to see your big dreams come true for your wedding day or other special event!

That said, let our team of experts in the field help you set realistic expectations and make your event dreams a reality!

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Joe Rosensweet