Planning Ahead For Summer 2021
Spring forward...fall back...SPRING forward! Daylight saving begins this Sunday at 2am, when we will change our clocks to 3am. The sole purpose of Daylight Saving Time is to make better use of - you guessed it - daylight!! By changing the clocks, we are able to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. As the days stretch longer & sunsets get later, we at Thoroughbred are getting excited for the warmer weather and all that comes with it. Do you have any fun warm weather plans coming up?
Summertime activities are so much fun!! Whether it’s a day trip or weeklong vacation, a birthday party or wedding, or touring local towns - warmer weather & sunshine makes everything seem better. Now imagine these fun activities with a private driving service! Complete relaxation - right?? Aside from a professional chauffeur, Thoroughbred also provides custom itineraries and transportation schedules for the duration of your day or trip. When you book a reservation with us, we take ownership of your transportation needs. So how can we make your next trip or event a bit better? Summer will be here before we know it! Let’s get your next reservation on the books! Contact us today. #ridethoroughbred